Hello I'm

Ruchita Shaha  

Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Graduate; Enthusiatic and ambitious learner, focused on providing exquisite results

About me

I am a Final-year Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning student.A strong interest in the field of Data Science and Natural Language Processing developed in me, with the immensly growing technological enhancements.

Recently I have worked as a Machine Learning Programmer for a Hyderabad based IT System Data Services startup, concentrating on Computer Vision domain, and worked specifically on the Facial Recognition Technology. I have implemented Deep Learning models and certain metrics for validation enhancement. I am well-versed with prominent Python libraries such as - OpenCV, scikit-learn, SciPy, TensorFlow, plotly , and many more.

Grasping new methodologies and experimenting them is where I believe the growth lies in.

Moreover, I am a person who is committed to personal and professional development.

Work Experience

Machine Learning Programmer, Hyderabad, Telangana

Jan 2023 - May 2023

In my professional journey, I received the opportunity to showcase my skills in the Computer Vision domain, where facial expressions of the Cattle Images were analyzed to classify as per the Dairy Industry requirement . Highlighting the tools, I majorly used NumPy, OpenCV, Pillow, SciPy, tensorflow and few other libraries. This allowed me to deep dive into the complexity of image analysis and contribute towards better insights. The major tasks I performed included Batch Segmentation,Grayscale Image Classification using appropriate DL models such as Sequential Model, PointRend Resnet 50 and metrics such as SSIM, Euclidean Distance.


Food Ordering App

  • Implemented secure Register/Login process for Admin and User with Regex verification and enabling Admin to manage the food items
  • Browsing the menu, users can place order, get order history, update profile; menu has ID, name, quantity, price, discount, stock

Movie Ticket Booking System

Python Modular Functions

  • Enhanced the features to display and book seats, get ticket statistics, fetch the user details along with dynamic pricing using theatre seat availability 

Customer Default Prediction

  • Applied KNN, SVM, Decision Tree models, and achieved an accuracy of 76% with SVM, while 73% with KNN and Decision Tree models in the customer default prediction process

Concrete Strength Prediction

  • Attained accuracy of 90% via Random Forest Regressor and 89% via Gradient Boost Algorithm to predict the strength of concrete

Text Summarization

  • Implemented Extractive Text Summarization approach using NLTK, and the heapq data structure over a paragraphed input 
  • Demonstrated Abstractive Text Summarization approach using PageRank and Cosine Distance metric to reveal word relevance 


Python Certification Exam

On completion of 8 weeks Python module, comprising of OOPs, Regular Expressions, Data Structures, and few more; successfully completed the Python Certification Exam. 

Data Scientist Certified

Attended the Data Science sessions for 2 months and then worked on 2 Capstone projects

 Blockchain TechnologyWorkshop

Completed 2 days Hands-on workshop on Blockchain Technology held in March 2022 at Sanjay Ghodawat University, under Data Science Analytics and Cybersecurity (DSAC) Club by Ureka Foundation, UK.

Skills and Relevant Courses

Machine Learning

Natural Language Processing

Computer Vision

Data Science







Advanced Statistics




Object Oriented Programming

Compiler Design

Big Data Analytics

       Delving into the AI automation and
acing with the programming techniques